Hearing tests enable the doctor to evaluate whether your ears are working correctly. If you suspect a hearing problem, it is essential to get an evaluation from a board-certified ENT specialist such as the doctors at Ear, Nose & Throat Care, PC in Somerville and Warren, New Jersey, offices. Call the office to schedule an appointment for comprehensive hearing and testing services.
During your visit to Ear, Nose & Throat Care, PC, our audiologist uses an otoscope to check your ear canal. Your doctor may perform additional tests such as bone conduction or speech tests. After the test results, your doctor will go through the results with you. The test results will enable the doctor to create a personalized treatment plan suited for your needs.
request an appointmentShould I Get My Hearing Tested?
Hearing tests and evaluations benefit people of all ages, including those who do not have hearing problems. You must have your ears evaluated and tested every ten years until you are 50. Those over 50 and older should go for a hearing baseline test, especially if they have not had an evaluation in the last ten years. If you are over 50 years, you should get a hearing exam every three years.
Get your hearing tested if you notice a change in your ability to hear. If you work in a high-noise environment or occupation like in the military, it is essential to get tested at least once a year. If you already have hearing loss, you should have your hearing aids, and devices checked at least once a year.
Why Is It Important to Get a Hearing Test regularly?
Hearing tests are essential for everyone, even those without a hearing problem. Hearing tests can help uncover medical and physical issues you may be unaware of. Hearing loss develops slowly, and you may be unaware of any changes because it is gradual. Studies indicate that it takes seven years on average for an individual with hearing challenges to seek treatment. This is why you should get regular ear tests even if you feel fine.
Take control of your hearing loss.
Early detection is critical for immediate intervention. A hearing evaluation should be the first step if you suspect hearing loss. This helps to determine the type of hearing loss you may have. Efficient treatment for hearing loss happens when there is early detection.
What Are the Types of Hearing Tests?
A hearing evaluation involves a physical exam and a medical history review. A diagnostic hearing evaluation gives a full assessment of your hearing. The tests given include and are not limited to:
Bone Conduction Test
The test measures the inner ear’s response to sound. If there is a blockage in the outer and middle ear, your doctor can tell how well you hear or whether there is an issue with the ears. The test sends the tone directly to the inner ear through a small vibrator placed behind the ear or on your forehead. The results help distinguish between a conductive or sensorineural hearing loss.
Speech Testing
A speech test measures the speech reception threshold of each ear. The test records the faintest sound one can hear half the time. The test is conducted in a noisy or quiet environment and recorded on an audiogram.
The tympanometry test evaluates the functioning of the middle ear and detects the fluids that create movements of the tympanic membrane. It measures the eardrums’ movements in response to pressure. The test results are recorded on a tympanogram chart.
Pure Tone Testing
Pure tone testing is also referred to as pure tone audiometry. The test measures your range of hearing in both ears. The test involves using medical-grade earphones that play different sounds, and pitches are channeled to you using an audiometer. You’ll be told to identify the sounds by pressing a button or responding verbally. The test takes place in a soundproof room.
The results are displayed on a graph showing the degree, type, and configuration of your hearing sensitivity. The results help your audiologist determine the degree and type of your hearing loss.
Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs)
The test measures the hair cell function in the inner ear or cochlea. Otoacoustic emissions are the sounds the cochlea generates when responding to a sound. The sounds are measured to check if you have normal hearing. You will not produce any sounds if your hearing loss exceeds 25 to 30. It can also be used to check if there is a blockage in the middle or outer ear. The test is done by placing a probe that delivers sound into your ear, measuring the sounds emitted.
Hearing loss cannot be restored. However, there are. However, that can help improve your hearing, such as hearing aids and lip reading.
For more information about hearing tests and treatments, contact the experts at Ear, Nose &Throat Care, PC, for cutting-edge hearing loss testing.